Terms of use
Oliver Saillard website
Oliver Saillard website
Oliver Saillard
07 67 12 32 67
85 rue des Sources
52 200 Langres
SIRET number: 83833969500010
Sarah Mangeret
Antoine Brun
SAS OVH - https://www.ovh.com/
2 rue Kellermann
BP 80157
59100 Roubaix
All content on the www.osaillard.com website, including but not limited to photographs and text, is the exclusive property of Oliver Saillard, with the exception of content produced by third parties whose rights of use have been assigned to Oliver Saillard.
The reproduction, distribution or use of any of these contents constitutes an infringement of copyright in accordance with L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
In accordance with Articles L.616-1 and R.616-1 of the French Consumer Code, our company has set up a consumer mediation system. The chosen mediation body is: CNPM - MEDIATION - CONSOMMATION. In the event of a dispute, you can submit your claim on its website: http: //cnpm-mediation-consommation.eu or by post by writing to CNPM - MEDIATION - CONSOMMATION - 27 Avenue de la Libération 42400 SAINT-CHAMOND.